Born in June? Lucky You!
Those born in June have three birthstones (Pearl, Moonstone and Alexandrite).
The Pearl, our personal favorite, is the only gemstone created by living organisms. Mollusks create pearls by forming calcium carbonate layers around minute irritants that become caught in their shells, rather than a grain of sand as is often assumed.
Purity, humility, and innocence have traditionally been associated with pearls. As a result, the June birthstone has the meaning of “sweet simplicity.” As an outcome, pearls have often been presented as a wedding gift.
Moonstones are gorgeous and mystical gems that are historically mined in Sri Lanka. The clear colour and adularescence, or blue shine, of these original moonstones, are well-known. Moonstones can be found in other places of the world, including India, however, they are usually brown, green, or orange in hue. We relate the moonstone with Gemini’s zodiac sign and the traits of love in the astrological chart and the qualities of love, passion, and fertility.
Alexandrite is a rare chrysoberyl type of stone that changes color depending on the sunlight. Alexandrite birthstones with a vibrant green to blue-green color in daylight or fluorescent light and an intense crimson to purple-red color in incandescent light are the most coveted.
Credits: International Institute of Gemology
Wearing: St. Roche