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July: Celestial State Of Mind

ce·les·tial : adjective: Positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy.

July 2023 is full of celestial events and astrological wonders.
The month began with the first Super moon of 2023 with the best viewing being July 3rd. Typically there are 12 full moons in a year but 2023 will have 13 of these lunar events.  The Super moon on the 3rd of July is known as a Buck moon and a little fun fact- the Buck moon was 14,000 miles closer to the Earth than the usual full moon. July's Buck moon which had an orangey hue will be followed by 2 Super moons in August according to the Farmers Almanac. The Sturgeon moon and Blue moon will happen on August 1st and August 30th.
Starting mid July through August, the Milky Way Galaxy will be most visible during the middle of the night rising just after sunset and being visible all night long. This astrological wonder is most visible during these hot Summer nights.
Lastly, on July 29th & 30th, the Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower will be putting on a fireworks show in the sky- with up to 20 meteors expected per hour.  
With all that's happening in the skies in July, I guess one could say that we've got a celestial state of mind this month.
Samira 13 offers an abundant assortment of stars, sunbursts, crescent moons, and Samira's signature, one of a kind, galaxy carved baroque pearls.
Hand carved, scattered with diamonds and each a unique piece of art, a galaxy carved baroque pearl necklace will be the closest thing to wearing the Milky Way. 
Happy star gazing. 


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